The numbers are in! The following data includes both the demographics of survivors served by our agency from July 1st, 2023 through September 30th, 2024, and the services they received throughout that timeframe.
Our agency served 512 survivors throughout this quarter. Of the 512 survivors 149 of them were new clients (never received services before at our agency) and 363 of them were returning clients (have received services).
Of the 149 new clients served throughout July, August and September of this year, the following breaks down their demographics:
47% identify as male
52% identify as female
1% not disclosed
Our agency served 512 survivors throughout this quarter. The following is a breakdown of the individualized services provided through July, August, and September of 2024.
219 Survivors received Information and Referral Services
6 accounts of information about the criminal justice process.
62 accounts of information about victim rights, how to obtain notifications, etc.
18 accounts of referrals to other victim service programs.
963 accounts of referral to other services, supports, or resources.
512 Survivors received Personal Advocacy/Accompaniment (Adv/Acc) Services
171 Survivors received Emotional Support or Safety Services
24 Survivors received Criminal/Civil Justice Assistance