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  • Writer's pictureWe All Rise

Our Team Is Growing

Updated: May 29

Our agency is looking to hire the below outlined positions. Please view the attached job descriptions for more specific information about requirements, duties, and responsibilities.

  • One full-time Intake and Resource Specialist - is responsible for effectively processing the intakes of program participants to obtain the needed and factual information of survivors and their families. This will include completing and reviewing all necessary paperwork with survivors. Additionally, the position is responsible for managing all admin and relational connections to ensure smooth, trauma-informed, and soft referrals can happen with partner programs. Pay starts at $21/hour. The position includes paid time off (sick time, mental health time, and vacation time) and insurance (medical, life, dental, and vision).

  • One full-time Supervisor of Direct Services - this position is is responsible for the supervision of advocacy in every and all positions within the agency. This includes providing direct supervision of advocates, facilitation and direction of services, and program creation and development. Pay starts at $27/hour. The position includes paid time off (sick time, mental health time, and vacation time) and insurance (medical, life, dental, and vision).

To apply, please email your cover letter and resume to Rachel at by Tuesday, June 18th, 2023 by 8 am CST. Rolling interviews will be scheduled throughout hiring period.

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